Philodendron Brasil


Elevate your space with the stunning Philodendron Brasil. Vibrant variegated leaves add a touch of nature’s beauty to any room.



Welcome to the world of Philodendron Brasil! Elevate your living space with the allure of its variegated foliage. In this guide, we'll walk you through every aspect of caring for your Philodendron Brasil. Let's create a thriving oasis together.

Discover the captivating allure of Philodendron Brasil, a botanical masterpiece that effortlessly infuses any space with vibrant energy. Its variegated leaves, showcasing lush green adorned with strokes of creamy yellow, bring a sense of nature's artistry indoors.

With our comprehensive care guide, you'll learn how to provide the perfect environment for your Philodendron Brasil to thrive. Elevate your decor and spirit with this living masterpiece.

Transform your space with the captivating beauty of Philodendron Brasil. Its lush variegation and low-maintenance nature make it an enchanting addition to any interior. Embrace nature’s charm today!


Place your Philodendron Brasil in bright, indirect light to encourage optimal growth.

Avoid prolonged exposure to harsh, direct sunlight, as it can scorch the leaves.


Philodendron Brasil thrives in average room temperatures between 65-80°F (18-27°C).

Protect it from drafts and sudden temperature changes.


Maintain moderate soil moisture, allowing the top inch of soil to dry between waterings.

Never let the plant stand in water, as this can lead to root rot. Adjust watering frequency based on environmental conditions.


Provide moderate to high humidity by misting the leaves or placing a tray of water nearby.

This mimics its native tropical habitat and ensures lush growth.


Opt for a well-draining, aerated potting mix rich in organic matter.

A mix designed for aroids is ideal for the Philodendron Brasil’s growth and health.


Easily propagate your Philodendron Brasil through stem cuttings. Place cuttings

in water or a well-draining soil mix until roots develop.


Feed with a balanced liquid fertilizer every 4-6 weeks during the growing season

(spring and summer). Dilute the fertilizer to half the recommended strength to avoid overfeeding.

Pests and Diseases

Monitor for common pests like spider mites and scale. Keep leaves clean and inspect

regularly for early detection. Maintain proper airflow to prevent issues.


Repot your Philodendron Brasil every 1-2 years or when it outgrows its current pot.

Spring is the best time for repotting.

Beginner Friendly

Perfect for beginners, the Philodendron Brasil's resilience and adaptable nature

make it a rewarding choice for indoor plant enthusiasts.


Trim yellowing or damaged leaves close to the stem. Prune selectively

to maintain the desired shape and encourage new growth.


Note that Philodendron Brasil is toxic if ingested. 

Keep it out of reach from pets and children.

Additional information
Plant Quantity

Single plant


20" Inches


5 kg

Light Guide

Bright light, Bright Indirect light, Indirect light

Pot and Size

Plastic / 8" Inches

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Shipping & Delivery

A delivery method within Dhaka

In case of a low quantity of plants sent, Redx Courier, Pathao Courier and Xian Garden's staff provide home delivery within Dhaka. If the amount of plants is more, delivery is provided by S.A Paribahan Courier Service. Home delivery from Xian Garden to the customer's address within 2-3 working days of ordering within Dhaka. If the amount of trees is more, the trees will be delivered to the customer within two working days of ordering by S.A Paribahan Courier Service.

Delivery method outside Dhaka

Send if the amount of plants is less, home delivery is provided outside Dhaka through Redx Courier and Pathao Courier. If you want to take a tree for home delivery outside Dhaka, only the tree and pot are provided, and no soil is provided. If the amount of trees is more, we deliver to all district cities outside Dhaka through S.A Paribahan Courier Service.

If the quantity of plants outside Dhaka is less, the home delivery will reach the customer's address from Xian Garden within 3-4 working days of ordering. If the amount of trees is more, the trees will contact the customer within two working days through S.A Paribahan Courier Service.


 Xian Garden does not accept returns on plants. Because receiving returns does not have standard packaging, the plants will be damaged due to transit stress on both sides. But we guarantee that every tree will reach the customer in excellent condition. Please note that transit stress may cause the plant to appear somewhat dull. But rest assured that exposure to sunlight and proper watering will restore the plant to its healthy natural state. Contact our customer support team if you are concerned about your plant: Email us: (Email) or call: (contact no.) Please get in touch with Xian Garden's support team if your plant has been damaged. After that, whether the tree's return will be accepted is subject to negotiation with the customer. Only in the case of home delivery within Dhaka, if the own staff makes the delivery of Xian Garden, can the tree be returned if it is completely damaged. (This does not apply to Pathao Courier and Redx Courier.)

Xian Garden Support Team:

Contact No: +8801909087678
WhatsApp :+8801909087678